Metellina merianae  (Scopoli, 1763)
Main synonym = Metellina mengei    (Blackwall, 1870)
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Arachnida / Araneae / Tetragnathidae
English name not known     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
The species is widespread in most Europe, from Malta to Great Britain and western Europe extending as far east as Georgia.

Metellina merianae is a small spider with an abdomen of 5-8mm, but have front legs, about twice as much as the abdomen. The female has numerous white, beige, brown and black markings, making unique complex patterns. Both male and female have 2 longitudinal pale lines running at the lower side of the abdomen. Legs are yellow-brown with dark banding.

This species is troglophile, and prefers to live in shady, humid areas.

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